Roller blinds are a complete design element, made in different colors and models, they can be combined with both curtains and vertical blinds, perfectly adapted to your requirements.
Discreet Appearance | Visible Results
» Glass Balustrade System with free top edge
» This system may be assembled above the slab or in front of the slab » Handrail possibilities
Square - 60 mm. width
Circular - 66 mm diameter
Elliptical - 80 mm. external perimeter
» Maximum dimensions between balusters (mullions)
1,000 mm
» Minimum height
900 mm
Classic windows integrate elegantly into the structure of the home, with their fine wooden frames, accompanied by details such as corners and their sections.
Europrofile wood, triple layered 68x78 mm, from NORDIC PIN or exotic wood - MERANTI.
Insulated glass float + lowe - 24 mm.
Aluminum teardrop Gutmann.
EPDM gasket.
ROTO NT hardware.
REMMERS exterior water-based paint resistant to mechanical shocks and UV, applied in 3 starts.
The system, which is created by clamping flat seam profiles with clips in roof covering, is applied without screw connection. It allows one-piece application from the stream to the ridge. Roof covering consisting of flat standing seam profiles, rock wool sheets and trapezoidal sheets offers dimensions and solutions suitable for all roof forms.
Fenêtre en bois classique au design retro, offrant les profondeurs de 92mm 78mm et 68mm.
La Version Classique offre un extérieur tout en bois avec une protecion du dormant en aluminium recouvert de bois.
La version Retro se distingue par ses moulures discrètes.
Our GLAMAGA collection showcases sleek shapes and playful finishes. It is suitable for both casual wear and the most chic evening outfits.
13 poses and six different heads. Available in any color.
profilés: VEKA Effectline, klasa A, system niezlicowany
parclose: prosta
ferrures: Winkhaus ActivPilot w kolorze srebrnym
poignée: aluminiowa Elipse 2
vitre: zespolona 1-komorowa 4/16A/4TM U=1,1 W/m2K
joints: 2 uszczelki w kolorze czarnym lub szarym
renforts: ze stali ocynkowanej we wszystkich profilach, w ościeżnicy o przekroju zamkniętym
équipement en standard:
-osłonki zawiasów okiennych
-zaślepki otworów odwadniających
-wypełnienie dolnego rowka ościeżnicy
-kotwy montażowe
profil transportowy
options couleur:
-kolor biały
-lakierowanie 1-, 2-, 4-stronne na pvc w dowolnym kolorze RAL
Our GABO P763 PVC windows coated with aluminum cladding enhance the prestige and durability of the product with the opportunity for uniqueness, ensuring unchanged appearance for your home over a long period. Choose from endless color variations and enjoy the benefits of consistent quality for decades. The product is coated with AluClip surface, ensuring that the fundamental technical characteristics of the profile remain durable. Despite its high technical content, the product is available at an affordable price. Its installation depth and thermal and sound insulation properties set it apart from other products on the market.
Profile system:Kömmerling 76MD AluClip
Glazing range:24-48mm
Thermal insulation Uw:1,3-0,78 W/m²K
Our door hardware range offers a perfect blend of security and style, designed to enhance the functionality and appearance of your doors. Made from premium materials, these components are engineered to withstand the rigors of daily use while maintaining their aesthetic appeal. The modern design of our hardware complements any door style, providing a seamless look that enhances your home's overall design.
Security is a top priority with our door hardware, featuring robust locking systems that ensure your home remains safe from intruders. Easy to install and maintain, these components are ideal for both new installations and upgrades to existing doors. With a variety of finishes available, our hardware can be customized to match your personal style, making it a versatile choice for any home.
Window displays are strategically designed arrangements placed in storefront windows to attract and engage potential customers. These displays utilize creative visual merchandising techniques to showcase featured products, promotions, or seasonal themes, enticing passersby to enter the store. Effective window displays combine elements such as mannequins, props, signage, and lighting to create an inviting and memorable impression. By capturing the attention of window shoppers, these displays play a crucial role in driving foot traffic into the store and setting the tone for the in-store shopping experience.
Find here our selection of store shelving, gondolas store, gondola and display for clothes without forgetting our wide range of female window mannequin and male dislay mannequin available on Mannequins Shopping.
Mannequins Shopping is a European specialist in shopfitting and store equipment, shelving for retail, showcases windows, cubes, display cabinet, wall gondolas, podiums, but also in mannequins and bustform, lighting for retail stores such as lamps, spots also security systems, cash registers, the hangers, racks, professional clothing rails. More particularly in this section you will find our mannequins and display for clothes and wall gondolas.
Die Verteilerleisten erfüllen im Schaltschrank eine wesentliche Aufgabe Sie versorgen die verschiedenen Bauteile mit Strom. Diese unscheinbaren Profile müssen hohe Anforderungen erfüllen, um stets eine optimale Sicherheit und Leistungsfähigkeit zu garantieren.
Unser Kunststoffprofil weist eine hohe Stabilität auf, gleichzeitig jedoch auch eine gewisse Flexibilität. Diese sorgt dafür, dass beim Aufklipsen der Funktionsbauteile kein Weißbruch entsteht und es zu keiner Betriebsstörung der elektrischen Komponenten kommt. Unsere kundenspezifischen Profile aus brandschutzoptimiertem Kunststoff sind elektrisch isolierend, um Kurzschlüsse zu vermeiden. Sie werden zudem mit Kupferleisten bestückt, welche für die elektrische Leitfähigkeit sorgen. Dieses hochpräzise Profil mit garantierter hoher Oberflächengüte erfüllt höchste Sicherheitsanforderungen. Eine langlebige und effiziente Lösung.
Sapphire (Al2O3) is one of the hardest minerals and optical materials available for use in the range from UV up to 5µm. Sapphire is birefringent and if its use is for critical optical application then the crystal might have to be cut along the zero degree plane, or C-Cut. Random cut is usually cut along a plane that is 60° off-axis as the growth in this direction is the easiest to grow. Random cut is anything that is not the C-Cut angle. Sapphire can fluoresce depending upon the concentration of other minerals within the lattice, for example Iron (Fe) or Chromium (Cr). Clear Sapphire might fluoresce orange when illuminated by UV light if impurities are in the crystal. Fluorescent free Sapphire has to be grown from 'pure' feedstock and seed and in an environment that cannot place impurities into the lattice. READ MORE ... CLICK LINK
Material::Random-Cut Sapphire
Diameter::+0.0 / -0.20 mm
Length,width::±0.1 mm
Thickness::±0.1 mm
Surface quality::<60-40 scratch/dig
Parallelism::5 arc min
Automotive Gaskets and Profiles are crucial components in vehicles, playing vital roles in sealing, insulating, protecting, and enhancing the overall performance and comfort of the vehicle.
Certain Group Building Systems
Belli Group Building Systems offers a wide variety of window and door alternatives. Aluminum window and door systems offer maximum flexibility in design, insulation and other product performances.
Whether you choose a fixed panoramic window, double-hung or parallel-hung window, you can be sure that they are all designed to deliver maximum performance and aesthetic appearance.
It allows you to choose the perfect solution for your home with different design options and wide door handle alternatives.
Nettoie, degraisse et fait briller les vitres et toutes les surfaces
Ne laisse pas de trace
Sans allergène, sans perturbateur endocrinien
Sans parfum
Formule anti-gaspillage : le gel adhère parfaitement à la paroi de la surface. Il reduit la perte de produit et la consommation d’emballage par rapport à une formule liquide
Sans colorant, sans allergène, sans perturbateur endocrinien
Pas de pictogramme CLP de danger
Valeur limite d’exposition professionnelle très faible
Formule non testee sur les animaux
Sans parabène, sans conservateur CIT/MIT
Formule à 99,95% d’origine naturelle
Couleur / Aspect:translucide, sans colorant
Controllore adattivo da 7'' touch screen.
Costruzione interna ed esterna in acciaio inox AISI 304.
Piedi in acciaio inox regolabili in altezza.
Guarnizione porta resistente alle temperature massime e minime di
Vano tecnico posto sopra la cella.
Unità condensatrice posta nel vano tecnico, estraibile e facilmente
Quadro elettrico a connettori, estraibile e facilmente ispezionabile.
Porta-teglie multilivello regolabile in acciaio inox AISI 304, adatto a
contenere teglie GN 1/1 ed EN 60x40. Struttura facilmente removibile
per operazioni di pulizia.
Cella interna con angoli raggiati per facilitare le operazioni di pulizia.
Isolamento in poliuretano ad alta densità senza CFC.
Evaporatore con protezione antiruggine cataforesi.
Cerniera porta lato sinistro.
Perimetro porta riscaldato per evitare la formazione di brina.
Cicli a sonda: la temperatura della sonda al cuore comanda
Resa frigorifera richiesta:7626 W
Linea liquido:3/8" [10] mm
Linea aspirazione:1/2" [12] mm
Gas refrigerante:R452A
Classe climatica:4
Alimentazione (Ph / Volts / Hz):220-240/1N/50
Max assorbimento elettrico cicli freddo:555 W - 2.96 A
Max assorbimento elettrico cicli caldo (optional umidità):3310 W (3310 W)
Aplicabilidad: Destinado al envasado de patatas, cebollas, frutas que requieran ventilación.
Producción: Fabricación 100% automatizada a partir de materias primas sostenibles.
Personalización: Máximo nivel de calidad en hasta 10 colores y/o policromías, incluidas las especiales: oro, plata metálica con tinta ecológica al agua. La resolución de impresión puede alcanzar fácilmente los 300 ppp.
Opciones: ventana de visualización del producto con forma personalizada, puede sellarse con película de PLA biodegradable para permitir el envasado de productos que requieren una atmósfera controlada, por ejemplo, galletas. También pueden tener asas para facilitar su transporte.
Material: papel especial impermeable con ranuras de ventilación. Papel kraft blanco o natural, varios grosores (80-120 GSM), certificado FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001.
Los tamaños más habituales: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 y 260 x 160 x 550 mm.
Capacidad de producción: más de 75 millones de piezas al año.
Pour réaliser les housses de protection en version « fenêtre », ASP utilise des matières dédiées et parfaitement compatible avec ces contraintes. Les tissus techniques utilisés répondent aux exigences les + sévères (tenues, aux huiles, aux copeaux,à l’abrasion…). Les housses sont réalisée sur mesures, ou selon le procédé breveté FST. Ce procédé vous permet d’optimiser facilement les longueurs de tissus nécessaires aux mouvements du robot, tout en évitant les sur-longueurs de tissus, souvent à l’origine des déchirures ou de dysfonctionnement. La maitrise conjointe par nos nos équipes des pièces métalliques nécessaires aux maintien des housses reste la garantie d’une réponse optimale à vos besoins.
Fenêtre:Jet haute pression
Huile:Isolation pour robot
Window masks are designed to create a safe protection to the aircraft windows during the paint stripping and re-painting processes. All masks are pre-cut to the dimensions of the aircraft window offering a perfect fit template, to ensure no window surface is damaged during maintenance
Window masks safeguard windows by forming an impenetrable barrier against chemical action. The masks are pre-cut to aircraft window sizes from high-quality pressure sensitive aluminum foil.
Masks can be ordered in either aluminum for stripping applications, or paper for painting applications. Custom masks for any aircraft can be manufactured to your specifications
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